Thursday, July 21, 2011


I read somewhere out in blog-world that you should choose an area rug that you love before you select the paint colors for the walls.  I'd anticipated picking all of our paint colors first, but this new idea makes sense to me! Since I learned about the all-important-area-rug-selection, I've been searching for the perfect rug for our living room. If you ever look at interior design blogs, you've seen the Fallon rug:

(This comes in just about every color you could ever want!)

This rug has been in my top choices for the last few weeks, but I've just discovered on Caitlin Creer's design blog that the designer of the Fallon (Jill Rosenwald) has come out with some new designs! Perfect timing, Jill. Thank you. Here are my faves:

Aren't they beautiful? And affordable.

What is your favorite? Do you have a method to your home decorating madness?

Happy day-before-Friday everyone! It's almost the weekend....yeeeeehaw!


  1. I like the navy one and the one above it the best!

  2. I have the first rug in my room! I think I like that navy one better though!!


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Song request for the wedding? Want to tell me about your day? I would love to hear from YOU!